Our Technology in Glasgow & Edmonton

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Enhancing Your Eye Care Experience

At Whitlow Family Vision Centers, personalization is a cornerstone of our approach. Technology plays a crucial role in customizing care, which is why we’ve invested in technology that supports diagnostic accuracy.

We’re always keeping a keen eye on advancements in eye care and technology. Our compassionate staff is the heart of our practice, while our commitment to innovation allows us to elevate our services. We look forward to serving you and providing personalized care with a friendly smile.

Visit us for your next eye exam today.

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We Prioritize Your Convenience & Comfort

Convenience should be an essential part of any eye care experience. We strive to provide a seamless process through technology and personalized care. Our goal is to remove barriers and help you get the care you need when you need it. With innovative solutions, our team brings expertise and warmth to the eye care experience for every patient.

Transforming Vision Care with Technology

With support from our technology, we can prioritize care that benefits you.

Diagnostic tools allow us to thoroughly evaluate your eyes so we can detect problems early and work to proactively maintain your eye health. Regular eye checkups are crucial for patients with health conditions where medication side effects must be monitored closely. 

We also offer innovative treatments like OptiLight by Lumenis, targeting the root cause of dry eye symptoms

Our use of technology is more than just an afterthought. It’s a fundamental part of our routine care, helping to improve eye health outcomes. At our practice, our goal is always to help make your life better.

Proactive Eye Care with the Macular Program

With diagnostic technology, we can gather detailed information about your eye health to create personalized treatment plans, such as the Macular Program.

Research indicates that disruptions in cellular processes can increase the risk of eye diseases like macular degeneration. The Macular Program addresses these issues at the cellular level by providing essential nutrients to help prevent and slow disease progression.

To create a treatment plan specific to you, we use imaging technology and blood testing to develop customized supplements. We also closely monitor your eye health through regular exams and periodic blood tests.

Schedule an appointment to learn more about the Macular Program.

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Visit Us for Comprehensive Eye Care

At Whitlow Family Vision Centers, providing comprehensive eye care services goes beyond examining your eyes. We’re dedicated to building personal connections with our patients, taking into account their visual health and overall well-being.

Our approach is grounded in treating patients like family, delivering one-on-one care with professionalism and compassion. Whether you come to us for your child’s back-to-school eye exam or treatment for eye diseases, we offer personalized vision care complemented by technology. 

Visit Whitlow Family Vision Centers today.

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Visit Us in Glasgow

Find our building near the corner of N. Race Street and KY-90. Look for our sign out front! Free parking is available in the lot steps from our doors.

  • 705 N. Race St
  • Glasgow, KY 42141
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Visit us in Edmonton

Find us on W Stockton Street (US Route 68) across from Gene’s Skating Rink & Rec. Look for the “Edmonton Family Vision Center” sign out front. 

  • 1406 W Stockton St.
  • Edmonton, KY 42129
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